Philliplife Insurance has designed “Safety Save” insurance that meets the goal of saving both short-term and long-term plans by receiving life protection throughout the contract, as well as the right to receive a tax deduction of up to 100,000 baht.
Ms. Lynette May-Tjuen Lim, a Chief Executive Officer of Philliplife Insurance Pub Co., Ltd., explained that with the company’s mission to establish collateral for financial planning and life protection with life insurance that is comprehensively worthwhile for Thai people. In this regard, this new insurance model is a form of savings that has an insured period and pays premiums in 2 periods of 10 and 15 years, providing full benefits to receive life coverage throughout the contract up to 115% of the sum insured. Therefore, it suits a variety of savings goals, whether it is for a child’s scholarship, saving a lump sum in the future, or as an insurance for the family. With the advantages of being a life insurance that guarantees a particular benefit payment in case of contract expiration and unlimited death of the maximum sum insured, it is suitable to replace the bank deposit that exceeds the protection of the Deposit Protection Agency that currently limits to only 1 million baht. Regarding this new type of insurance, the company offers through agents and brokers that 1-day-to-64-year-old people can sign up for. Moreover, each type of insurance uses the same premium rate for all genders and ages and can buy all kinds of additional contracts in the economic situation that is expected to gradually slow down. Choosing a financial plan with life insurance, “Safety Safe”, is therefore a worthwhile option for both saving goals with life protection and a tax deduction of up to 100,000 baht. Those who are interested are able to ask for more details at Philliplife Insurance representatives or branch offices across the country in which the company has started selling from October 11 onwards.” Lynette said.